Happy Chinese New Year
On the 19 February we begin the Year of the Goat/Sheep. If you were born in these years, you are a goat: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015. According to Chinese Astrology your personality is: calm, gentle, creative, thoughtful, frank, persevering and honest. It is said that the year of the Wood Goat will be more inward, less expansive, slower and more gentle than the hectic, frenetic and, at times, confusing year of the Yang Wood Horse. Sounds good to me!
Throughout the world there will be huge celebrations for the Lunar festival, each culture celebrating in their own way. In Sydney the festivities start on Friday 13 February with Lanterns of the Terracotta Warriors at Dawes Point. I can’t wait to see them and enjoy some delicious Chinese food.

Celebrating the start of a new year and setting an intention for the year ahead is an important ritual for many. Setting personal goals for the coming year can be empowering, but often the focus is on the “what” not the “how”. When we are more concerned with the goal we set than on the specifics of how we are going to accomplish it, or even whether it is realistic and achievable, we can set yourselves up for failure. So set out a plan of what you would like to achieve for yourself in all areas of your life and then the steps of how you will achieve each goal. Keep it simple and achievable.
This year my goals are to improve my health and fitness, open myself up to new areas of interest, meet new people and travel to new places. I set out the plan of how I could achieve this and already it is manifesting, with new opportunities coming my way – aqua classes started, art classes booked, two trips to new places planned and involvement in a new group. Life is good.

My new group is the Hills District Women – Empowered Living, where I’ve been invited to be the health ambassador, writing articles and giving online advise in areas of women’s health and well-being. This is a great opportunity for me to share my knowledge and experience in the health industry, while meeting new women in the Hills. This is the brain child of Natalie Claps who has the vision of offering support to women in the Hills District who are going through major life transitions or who suffer from depression and anxiety. If you would like to know more, see the HDW ad below for details.
In this newsletter is information about my upcoming meditation courses and an article on Infantile Eczema. The Forgiveness Meditation classes that ran last year were a great success and this year I will be running a day and evening group. This new program has had great feed-back and it has been a pleasure to work with these beautiful women who are ready and willing to release and forgive the past, making way for a freer future.
Enjoy the festivities of the Lunar New Year in your city.
Gong Hey Fat Choy