Spring Fever
September 17, 2013 · Maree · Articles · Comments Off on Spring FeverSpring fever is usually associated with feelings of increased energy, vitality and well-being, but many people suffer from sinus and other respiratory illnesses. There can be mood changes, depression and also a lack of energy at this time of year. These mood changes may be particularly evident in those who live in colder climates who may be suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). Or could it be love as a well-known poet observed!
“In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” – “Locksley Hall” by Alfred Tennyson
There is a physiological reason for these changes. The increased sunshine signals the body to produce less melatonin, which plays an important role in sleep. With less melatonin pumping through your veins, you may also feel a lift in mood, need less sleep and feel a more revved-up sex drive.
Other symptoms
However, there is a ‘dark’ side to spring fever. Sometimes it refers to the opposite – an unexpected loss of energy with the onset of spring. It is not a diagnosed illness, but a phenomenon thought to be initiated by a change in the season. So an initial sense of heightened well-being may be followed by feelings of weariness, sensitivity to changes in the weather, dizziness, irritability, headaches and sometimes aching joints and a lack of drive. Transition Essence and Transition Aromatic Mist can help with going with the flow of these changes.
Causes of Spring Fever
Some theories on the causes of spring fever indicate that hormone balance may play a role. During the winter months, when there is less daylight, the body’s reserves of the ‘happiness hormone’ serotonin become exhausted, making it easier for the ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin to have its effect. Hence you sleep more in winter. As the days become longer the body adjusts its hormone levels, putting a strain on the body which responds with a feeling of tiredness. Bowen Therapy can help balance your hormones and increase your energy by bringing all body systems into balance.
Also, as temperatures fluctuate greatly in springtime, this can cause blood pressure drops, since the blood vessels expand. Temperature changes and increased pollen can cause sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes. Schuessler Tissue Salts can be of assistance with all hay fever and sinus symptoms. They boost your immune system and don’t ‘dry up’ your mucous membranes. Changes in diet also play a role as in winter one tends to consume more calories, fat and carbohydrates, but during the hormone adjustment period the body requires more vitamins and proteins instead. If you have trouble with sugar and fat cravings, Martin & Pleasance ‘Cravings Relief’ can help. (Call Maree on 02 96268705 to purchase)
The change of season is a time to give your body a good ‘spring clean’. Here are my tips:
- Eat lighter, healthier food with protein each meal;
- Drink 2 litres of water per day to avoid dehydration;
- Do gentle exercise – walking, cycling, yoga, swimming;
- Take a liver cleansing supplement – I like Liva Tone Plus ;
- Purifying Essence gently cleanses the body and emotions;
- Try Bowen Therapy to detoxify the body and balances hormones;
- Get 15 minutes of sunlight on bare skin daily;
- Have your vitamin D levels checked – you may need to supplement;
- Transition Aromatic Mist can help with seasonal change and all changes in life.
Bush Flower Essence Remedies for Spring Fever:
- Daydreaming – Boronia, Jacaranda, Red Lily
- Lack of energy – Banksia Robur, Macrocarpa
- Adjusting to daylight saving – Bush Iris
- Hayfever/allergies – Bush Iris, Dagger Hakea, Fringed Violet
- General detox – Purifying Essence
- Resistance to change – Bauhinia, Bottlebrush
Tissue Salts for Spring Fever:
- Allergies and runny nose – Comb H
- Sinusitis and catarrh – Comb Q
- Sore throat and inflammation – comb T
- Overall fatigue and exhaustion – Comb 12
No matter how your spring fever manifests itself, enjoy the sunshine, the beauty around you and stay ever grateful for the change of seasons.
For more information on Bush Flower Essences, Tissue Salts and Bowen Therapy, contact Maree for a no obligation chat today.
P: 02 96268705 M: 0412 080 051 E: info@bowtechworks.com.au