Twenty years ago this month, I started a new chapter in my life when I commenced my home-based natural therapies business in Sydney’s north-west.
My journey began when I was invited to join a meditation group and went on my first week-end retreat – no children or husband, just myself and a group of beautiful women. Up until then I had been a full time mum for 12 years with a background as PA for various sales/marketing managers. I was also involved in many community and church groups.
On that week-end I realised I didn’t want to go back to the paid work I was used to and visualised my future direction as a natural healing therapist. I then began a course of studies attaining Diplomas in Counselling and Aromatherapy. My original business name, in 1996, was Aromatherapy Works and I used Aromatherapy, massage and Bach Flower Essences to relax my clients.
Since 1996 I have completed further qualifications in Meditation Facilitation, Bush Flower Essences, Aromatic Kinesiology and the Bowen Technique. During this time I have facilitated numerous meditation retreat week-ends and continue to teach meditation workshops.
To say my last 20 years have been satisfying and fulfilling is an understatement. I see miracles every day and it fills my heart with joy to observe the changes in clients as doors begin to open for them to new opportunities and improved health.
In 2004 I re-branded my business as Bowtech Works as my days of massage had finished and my focus was now on the Bowen Technique, Meditation, Aromatic Kinesiology and Bush Flower Essences. MyAromatherapy Works became my online shop, selling some products I have developed over the years.
The journey continues as my business evolves, trying to keep the balance and up-to-date with professional qualifications and technological changes. Very challenging but rewarding!!!
My heartfelt gratitude goes to my husband, Greg, who has always supported me no matter how crazy my dreams may be. Also, to my 4 children who put up with me studying at night while they were at school, going to courses on week-ends, clients encroaching on their space at night etc., but always supporting my goals and gave me technical support when I needed it.

To celebrate my 20 year Anniversary, I have a new sign out the front of my clinic entrance reflecting my new branding. To thank my loyal and new clients, I will be offering some discounts and free gifts over the next month.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my journey so far.
Peace, Love and Light