Natural therapies help calm childbirth
October 28, 2015 · Maree · Articles, Success Stories · Comments Off on Natural therapies help calm childbirthKeeping calm during childbirth can be a challenge. Natural therapies can help keep both parents calm during the challenges they face during labour, childbirth and after the birth of their baby.
Emergency Essence can help mothers and fathers have a less painful and calmer childbirth experience. This is what one of my recent clients had to say about how Emergency Essence, Bowen Therapy, and Aromatherapy helped make their childbirth experience less stressful:
“As the first contractions started, panic began to set in. However, we had both been well coached by your midwife and our Bowen Therapist, armed and ready to face the marathon ahead – the birth of our first child. I remembered the last words of our Bowen Therapist (Maree Kendall) at our last appointment: ‘When in doubt, take the Emergency Drops.’ So I quickly squirted a dropper full into my mouth, then into my wife’s mouth as well, just in case she was feeling anxious!! We instantly felt a sense of calm come over us as we drove to the Emergency Department and waited for the next wave of contractions. We settled into the labour room, took out our Birthing Pack and I began massaging the 1st stage massage oil blend into my wife’s back and abdomen, which she found soothing, relieved the pain and made me feel useful. The Emergency Essence drops and cream were used liberally throughout the labour and after the birth of our beautiful new baby. We also use it when the baby is upset and won’t settle – we call it “mother’s little helper”. Thank you, Maree Kendall, for your Birthing Kit – it really helped our labor go smoothly and gave us confidence through each little emergency.” – recent new dad.
As a Bowen Therapist, I often see the expectant mother and father each month throughout the pregnancy. These Bowen Therapy visits help prepare the mother’s body for labour and address any minor problems she may experience during this time. It is also a great way to improve the overall health of the expectant mother and father by improving their immune system and lowering their stress levels. At about 7 months I suggest the expectant mother starts drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea, which helps prepare the uterus for labour. Being a trained Aromatherapist for over 20 years, I recommend aromatherapy blends before and during labour. Two weeks prior to the due date, a blend of Almond Oil and Rose Maroc essential oil is given to the expectant mother to massage around the perineum to prepare for the birth. I also suggest playing soft music in the home to help relax mother and baby throughout the pregnancy.
For the labour itself, I suggest using a blend of essential oils for the 1st and 2nd stages of labour, which the birthing partner can gently massage into the lower back and abdomen of the expectant mother.
Some essential oils used in labour:
Rose Oil – helps to relax the uterus, softens ligaments, is slightly analgesic and a natural antiseptic.
Geranium Oil – helps stimulate circulation and breathing, is a uterine tonic and is uplifting.
Lavender Oil – stimulates circulation, is analgesic, calming, anti-inflammatory, relieves a headache and is good for fainting and shock.
Neroli Oil – relaxes the nervous system, eases breathing during the second stage and boosts confidence.
Clary Sage – helps respiratory, muscular and uterine systems, is mildly analgesic, facilitates birth and calms the lower part of the spinal chord.
The Emergency Essence (drops or oral spray) can be administered throughout the labour to assist with anxiety and that ‘out of control’ feeling. Emergency Essence is also available in a cream which can be massaged on any part of the body if oral administration is difficult. When the baby finally arrives, I recommend administering a combination of Bush Flower Essences to the baby when it first attaches to the breast and the mother can take it as well. This combination includes:
Bottlebrush Essence – this helps with mother/child bonding and the overwhelm that comes with birthing, bringing about a sense of serenity and calm, with an ability to cope and move on beyond the pain of childbirth.
Boab Essence – brings about a sense of personal freedom by releasing negative emotional and mental family patterns which are passed on from generation to generation; it also clears negative lines of karma between people.
Fringed Violet – when applied to the fontanelle immediately after birth, protects the baby from psychic attack and the negative energies of others until the fontanelle closes at 6 weeks of age.
Purifying Essence – this combination helps to clear any residual drugs or anaesthetics from the mother’s and baby’s body following labour and/or surgery.
Emergency Essence – can be administered to the newborn and the mother at any time especially if there has been any trauma or intervention during or after the birth. It is recommended taking Emergency Essence with the addition of Slender Rice Flower essence which helps to repair any tissue damage, especially after a C-section, and Macrocarpa for adrenal fatigue. This should be taken for two weeks after the birth.
Emergency Essence can be of assistance during any emergency situation. Whether it is physical trauma or emotional stress, Emergency Essence can help relieve initial shock by helping bring emotional and physical balance back to any body. Emergency Essence can be of assistance for all expectant parents throughout pregnancy, during labour and for the newborn baby as well. It truly is ‘mother’s little helper’.
Following the birth, the Bowen Technique can help reduce shock, accelerate healing and address infant issues such as:
- feeding problems, colic, neck stiffness from forceps, anxious and fretful babies, eczema, etc.
Mothers can also be helped with Bowen for issues such as:
- depression, anxiety, back pain, headaches, low milk supply, sore nipples etc.
Anybody who has experienced the Bowen Technique knows that an overwhelming feeling of relaxation takes over following the first two moves. These initial Bowen ‘moves’ tell the body that “the emergency is over”. The Bowen Technique not only addresses the musculo-skeletal framework, but also the fascia, nerves and internal organs. The body’s biofeedback response improves circulation and lymphatic drainage and aids in the assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins. Following a Bowen session, a deep sense of overall relaxation is often experienced.
Regular Bowen Therapy and Bush Flower Essences, can help prepare your body for childbirth and to recover afterwards, gently and effectively. Mother, father and baby will feel better with Bowen!
If you would like to know more about how these therapies can help prepare you for childbirth and would like a Birthing Kit, contact Maree Kendall for a friendly chat.
P: 02 96268705 M: 0412080051 info@bowtechworks.com.auEvery body LOVES Bowtech, and your body will too!