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What is Aromatic Kinesiology?

Aromatic Kinesiology is the combining of the muscle testing technique, Kinesiology, with the healing properties of Aromatherapy.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a muscle testing tool used to access the primary cause/causes of physical or emotional imbalances in the body.  It can be used to ‘ask’ the body what it needs to help clear an emotional issue and what is needed to support the body biochemically or emotionally, bringing the whole body into balance.

How is Aromatherapy used with Kinesiology?

When the primary emotional cause of a condition is identified, Kinesiology is used to choose an aroma to clear the root cause from cellular memory, usually via an acupuncture pressure point or ‘blossom point’.  The aroma can also be inhaled to clear deep state emotional blocks to help the client move forward in life.  Following a treatment, the oil may need to be used at home for days or weeks, depending on the individual.

Will I be required to do any follow-up work?

Sometimes it is necessary to use the chosen aroma for a number of days/weeks/months, to anchor the new paradigm.  This essential oil may need to be applied to a particular pressure point, inhaled, added to a bath etc.  Affirmations are sometimes given as ‘homework’ to reinforce the change in thinking or to change a habit.


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