September 2012
Spring Newsletter
“Grieving is a necessry passage and a difficult transition to finally letting go of sorrow – it is not a permanent rest stop.” Dodinsky
At last the cold, bleak days of winter have ended and finally the signs of new life appear. What a relief to feel the warm sunshine and shed those extra layers we carry during the colder months. I love Spring time! But we can’t live in springtime forever – the change of seasons is a necessary part of the cycles of change in nature.
Just like the seasons, grieving has its ‘seasons’. The ‘letting go’ or ‘shedding’ of sorrow is a necessary process to allow the heart to blossom once again.
My latest product release is GRIEF RELIEF Aromatic Mist (see below for details). The essential oils and Australian bush flower essences in this product can ease the process of moving through the seasons of grief with love, grace and gratitude.
May you enjoy this season of Spring and create a new beginning for yourself whatever cycle of change you are experiencing.
Health, harmony and happiness
Maree Kendall

Healing a Broken Heart
“Time is a physician that heals every grief.” – Diphilus
Have you ever had a broken heart?
Everyone, at some stage of their lives, suffers this little talked about and deeply personal malady. A broken heart can be caused by the loss of a loved one, a relationship breakup or the passing of the family pet – all can be heart-breaking. Even rejection or unrequited love can be devastating and just as painful! No matter what the cause, the pain of a broken heart cannot be described, it can only be experienced.
The emotional heart, or heart chakra, closes down when grieving the loss of a loved one for whatever reason. Over time, if we don’t heal this devitalized energy centre, the physical heart can become weak, stress hormones can increase and physical symptoms may develop.
There is a condition called Broken Heart Syndrome or, stress cardiomyopathy, which is a temporary heart condition brought on by stressful situations, such as the death of a loved one. People with broken heart syndrome may have sudden chest pain or think they are having a heart attack. These symptoms may be brought on by the heart’s reaction to a surge of stress hormones. It can cause a part of your heart to temporarily enlarge and not pump well, while the remainder of the heart functions normally or with even more forceful contractions. The symptoms of broken heart syndrome are treatable, and the condition usually reverses itself in about a week.
Always seek medical help, if these symptoms occur.
The release of excess stress hormones due to long-term stress, can cause other symptoms, such as: Depression and anxiety, poor sleeping patterns, irritability, poor digestion, confusion, etc.
Natural therapies can help ‘mend’ a broken heart chakra.
- Bowen Therapy – releases stress hormones and activates the relaxation response
- Aromatic Kinesiology – balances the heart chakra and release emotions
- Bush flower essences – Flannel Flower soothes the hurt of a broken heart
- Aromatherapy – eg Rose Oil eases grief
- Kundalini Yoga – assists in activating the chakras
- Meditation – focused attention on the heart chakra can heal the heart
- Affirmations, acts of kindness, forgiveness and TIME, open the heart to love again.
Here is a useful link on the stages of grief and how to mend a broken heart … here
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Essential Oils for Grief
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. “ ~ Kahlil Gibran
How difficult it is to find gratitude in one’s heart when grieving. However, as Kahlil Gibran so poignantly puts it, if we hadn’t had any ‘delight’ in our lives, we wouldn’t be grieving its loss. Somewhere amidst the emotional pain experienced during grief, there needs to be a time of reflecting on the joys one shared in the past and be grateful for that experience.
Essential oils, when inhaled, instantly have a balancing effect on the emotions via the Limbic Brain. Essential oils in a vaporizer or aromatic mist can calm the raw emotions of grief and loss, bringing a sense of calm and acceptance to the situation. Not that we want to short-cut the grieving process, but easing the intensity of the emotions and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, could be helpful.
Here are some suggested oils for assisting with grief:
BERGAMOT (Citrus bergamia) with its light fruity aroma, works well with the auric field, bringing light to the spirit and opening one up to cosmic joy. You may be crying inside, with your heart aching, but Bergamot lightens the heart, dispelling self-criticism and blame. It reminds us that the angelic realms are always there to help us – we only need to ask.
MELISSA (Melissa officinalis) vibrates to a very high light frequency and supports us when our energy is at its lowest. It helps release the emotions of grief in a gently, loving way, bringing the energies of the body back to balance.
ROSEWOOD (Aniba roseadora) connects us to our higher consciousness, bringing us to a deep understanding of the process of life. It helps ground our energies in times of emotional turmoil.
You will find these essential oils in GRIEF RELIEF Aromatic Mist.
Click here to purchase