December 2011 Newsletter
December 14, 2011 · Maree · Newsletters · Comments Off on December 2011 Newsletter
Tuesday December 13, 2011
CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS What a year it has been! In the wider world we have experienced tsunamis, floods, fires and earthquakes. Such a lot of hardship and loss of life. Closer to home, we recently experienced the devastating fire at the Quakers Hill Nursing Home where 10 elderly residents have lost their lives so far. My heart goes out to them and the families and staff who have suffered through all this tragedy. In my immediate family , we have experienced renovations, retrenchment, health scares, travel, broken hearts, new jobs and new projects, plus the challenges that come with all of that. Now with Christmas and a new year almost upon us, it is a good time to reflect on the year that has been – the challenges, achievements, disappointments and memorable moments. Being grateful for all life has given us, acceptance of things we cannot change and hope for a sensational future, is a meaningful way to live each day. Wishing you and your families an abundance of PEACE, LOVE & JOY, with a sprinkling of HOPE, this Christmas. Maree Kendall
FEELING THE STRESS OF THE FESTIVE SEASON? CHRISTMAS CALM aromatic mist to the rescue! This gentle combination of pure essential oils and Australian Bush Flower Essences assist in creating an atmosphere of calm while preparing for, and celebrating, the festive season. The aromatics in CHRISTMAS CALM aromatic mist are warming, inviting, nurturing and comforting. Ideal for use not only during the festive season, but throughout the year, for any celebration! CHRISTMAS PROMOTION Christmas Calm aromatic mist………….$22.00 Christmas Calm aromatic mist PLUS Kajita Cinnamon soy candle……….$35.00 (save$3.00) Christmas Calm aromatic mist PLUS Kajita Cinnamon wax melt…….$28.00 (save $2.00) (All prices includ gift wrap in a gold organza bag) Call Maree NOW to place your order for Xmas delivery Phone: 02 96268705 Mobile: 0412080051
NEW LOOK FOR MISTS Some of you may be familiar with my range of aromatic mists – Space Clearing Mist, Room Cleansing Mist, Christmas Calm etc. Well, my first 4 mist have had a revamp. This new look is in keeping with my rebranding which will be launched in early 2012. \ The new mists are:
All aromatic mists are just $22.00 (including gold organza bag) TO PLACE AN ORDER CALL MAREE NOW: P: 96268705 M: 0412 080051
The next series of the LEARN TO MEDITATE COURSE begins on: TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 2012 This is an eight week course, comprising two hours each Tuesday evening commencing at 7pm. The venue is: ST JOSEPH’S SPIRITUALITY CENTRE, BAULKHAM HILLS. For more information, call Maree : 02 96268705 OR 0412080051 To register, click here