Blog Archives

February 8, 2017

November 2016 Newsletter

Friend on Facebook Follow on Twitter Forward to a Friend THIS ISSUE: Christmas Bell Essence | Keep Calm Tips | Learn to Meditate | Christmas Break | Learn to Meditate The next Learn to Meditate 8 week Course commences: Tuesday 14 February 7pm to 9pm Register here….. Holiday Break The clinic will close on: Tuesday 20.

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Nail Biting – is it dangerous to health?

Bowen Therapy helps nail biting

The problem of nail biting or onychophagia, can range from a mild, occasional habit to an ongoing and even dangerous problem. Often nail biting starts in childhood. Studies have shown 30% of children and 45% of teenagers bite their nails and 25% of adults bite their finger nails. Nail biting becomes less common after the age.

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Keep Calm and Breathe

Keep calm and breathe can be a challenge for most people these days. We live in a world that is changing more rapidly than at any other time in the history of mankind. Being born a ‘baby-boomer’, I didn’t grow up with today’s technology.  We had a land-line, a black and white TV and books. .

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Natural Fertility Solutions

Bowen Therapy and Bush Flower Essences can offer safe and effective natural fertility solutions helping prepare the mind and body for your pregnancy. Couples visiting my clinic are often seeking natural solutions for their fertility issues.  They feel frustrated that they cannot fall pregnant when they planned to, however, infertility is a very complex problem and.

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Our Portfolio Bowen Technique for improved Health, Harmony & Happiness

Health with Bowtech Works Harmony with Bowtech Works Harmony with Bowtech Works